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Электронный каталог: Abstract of the Invited Lectures and Individual Presentations to be presented at the 10th Interna...
Abstract of the Invited Lectures and Individual Presentations to be presented at the 10th Interna...

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Abstract of the Invited Lectures and Individual Presentations to be presented at the 10th Interna...
Издательство: МЭИ, 1984 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Abstract of the Invited Lectures and Individual Presentations to be presented at the 10th Interna...
Издательство: МЭИ, 1984 г.
ISBN отсутствует
УДК 621.1 A-16
Abstract of the Invited Lectures and Individual Presentations to be presented at the 10th International Conference on the Properties of Steam ( 2-7 September 1984 ). – М. : МЭИ, 1984. – 119 p.
621.1 A-16
Тезаурус = ГАСНТИ 44.31.03
Тезаурус = Энергетика : теплоэнергетика, теплотехника
Тезаурус = ГАСНТИ 29.17
Тезаурус = Физика : газов и жидкостей, теплофизика, термодинамика и статистическая физика
842066 Кх
842067 Кх
УДК 621.1 A-16
Abstract of the Invited Lectures and Individual Presentations to be presented at the 10th International Conference on the Properties of Steam ( 2-7 September 1984 ). – М. : МЭИ, 1984. – 119 p.
621.1 A-16
Тезаурус = ГАСНТИ 44.31.03
Тезаурус = Энергетика : теплоэнергетика, теплотехника
Тезаурус = ГАСНТИ 29.17
Тезаурус = Физика : газов и жидкостей, теплофизика, термодинамика и статистическая физика
842066 Кх
842067 Кх