Название: |
Документов |
Серии |
Redakcja Wydawnictw Naukowe Politechniki Lodzkiej, Lodz |
1 |
REGNUM, Москва |
1 |
Reimer, Berlin |
1 |
Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York |
12 |
René Guierre, Paris |
1 |
Research Institute for Telecommunication, Budapest |
1 |
Research Institute for Water Resources Development, Budapest |
1 |
Reston Publishing Company, Reston |
28 |
2 |
Richard Carl Schmidt & Co, Berlin |
6 |
Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood, Illinois |
4 |
Richard GroBkopf, Dresden |
1 |
Riga Technical university, Riga |
1 |
Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, New York |
1 |
Robert J. Brady Co., Bowie |
4 |
Rosebud Publishing, Москва |
3 |
Roth & CO., Berlin |
1 |
Rother, |
1 |
Rugram, Москва |
2 |
Russian Chess House, Москва |
1 |
S. Hirzel, Leipzig |
41 |
S.L.Van Looy, Amsterdam |
1 |
Salle O., Berlin |
1 |
Sampson Low, Marston and Company, London |
1 |
SAMS Publishing, Carmel |
4 |
Savy,Libraire-Éditeur, Paris |
1 |
School of Aeronautical and Engineering Sciences, London |
1 |
Science Press, Princeton |
1 |
Scientific Publications (Great Britain), London |
1 |
Scott, Foresman and Company, Chicago |
2 |
Seidel & Sohn, Wien |
1 |
Selbstverlag, Göttingen |
3 |
Selbstverlag des Verfassers, Berlin |
1 |
Shanghai Лao Tong University, Shanghai |
3 |
Sheldon and Company, New York |
2 |
Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij, |
1 |
Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation, New York |
2 |
Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, London |
45 |
Skira booking international, |
2 |
Societe for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London |
1 |
Société Française de Physique, Paris |
1 |
Society for Technical Communication, Dallas |
1 |
Spectroscopy Society of Canada, |
1 |
Spon & Chamberlain, New York |
1 |
Springer, Berlin |
4 |
Springer, Wien |
5 |
Springer, Сham |
2 |
Springer, Berlin |
295 |
Springer - Verlag, London |
6 |
Springer Science+Business Media B.V., |
1 |
Springer VDIVerlag, Dusseldorf |
1 |
Springer-Verlag, Berlin |
13 |
SPSL, М. |
1 |
Staatsverlag für Lehrbücher und Pädagogische Literatur des Ministeriums für Bildungswesen der RSFSR, |
1 |
Stanford University Press, California |
3 |
Stanley Thornes, |
1 |
State Engineer and Surveyor, New York |
1 |
State Text-Book, Moscow |
1 |
Statni Nakladatelstvi Technické Literatury, Praha |
3 |
Statni Pedagogicke Nakladatelstvi, Praha |
5 |
Stechert G. E. & Co., New York |
1 |
Stiintifica, Bucuresti |
1 |
Storey's Gate, London |
2 |
STT, Томск |
2 |
Sumptibus Academiae Scientiarum, Budapestini |
1 |
SvR-Аргус, М. |
5 |
SYBEX, Berkeley |
1 |
Symantec Corporation, |
4 |
1 |
TAB Books, Blue Ridge Summit |
6 |
Tata McGrau- Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi |
1 |
Taylor & Francis, |
2 |
Technika, |
1 |
Technische boekhandel en Drukkerij J.Waltman JR, Delft |
1 |
Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Ilmenau |
5 |
Technische Hochschule Zittau, Zittau |
7 |
Technische Universiat, Dresden |
2 |
Technischen Hochschule Dresden, Dresden |
1 |
Tempus Books of Microsoft Press, Washington |
1 |
5 |
Terro Fontastico, СПб. |
2 |
Teubner B.G., Leipzig |
100 |
The American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, New York |
1 |
The american physical society, |
1 |
The American Radio Relay League, Inc., West Hartford |
1 |
The American Section of the International Solar Energy Society, Cape Canaveral |
9 |
The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Redwood City |
3 |
The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., Menlo Park |
1 |
The Blakiston Company, Philadelphia |
3 |
The British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, Surrey |
30 |
The Brown Instrument company, Philadelphia |
1 |
The Caxton Publishing Company, London |
4 |
The Crimson Press, Westport |
1 |
The Dial Press, New York |
1 |
The Electrical Research Association, Surrey |
1 |
The Electrician, London |
2 |
The English Universities Press, London |
4 |
The Fairmont Press, INC., Lilburn |
3 |
The Focal Press, London |
1 |
The Goodheart- Willcox Company, South Holland |
1 |