Название: |
Документов |
Серии |
Black, London |
1 |
Blackie & Son Limited, London and Glasgow |
5 |
Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford |
1 |
Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, Milton |
1 |
Borey Print, СПб. |
1 |
Brady Communications Company, Inc., New York |
1 |
Braunschweig, б. м. |
1 |
British Standards Institution, London |
4 |
Brockhaus, Leipzig |
8 |
BSB B. G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig |
2 |
Buchdruckerei J.Scherz, Frankfurt a.M. |
1 |
Buchdruckerei Konrad Ttiltsch, Würzburg |
1 |
Buchdruckerei Richard Hahn (H. Otto), Leipzig |
1 |
Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Központi Könyvtára, Budapest |
2 |
Bureau Central, Paris |
1 |
Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale, Geneve |
2 |
Bureau Exécutif- Secrétariat Général, Bruxelles |
1 |
Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd, |
2 |
Butterworths, London |
4 |
Butterworths Scientific Publications, London |
9 |
C. J. E. Volckmann Nachf. G. M. B. H., Berlin |
3 |
C.W.Kreidel's Verlag, München |
1 |
C.W.Swift & Associates,Inc, Burbank Blvd |
1 |
Cambridge University Press, |
23 |
Cameron Publishing Company, Coral Gables |
3 |
Carl Haenchen, Berlin |
1 |
Carl Hanser Verlag, München |
11 |
Carl Marhold Verlagsbuchhandlung, Halle |
1 |
Carl Rümpler, Hannover |
2 |
Carl Scholtze (W.Junghans), Leipzig |
2 |
Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, Heidelberg |
1 |
Carré et C. Naud, Paris |
5 |
Cassell and Company, Limited, |
2 |
Castle House Publications LTD, London |
1 |
Catallaxy, М. |
1 |
CELEOS Publishind House, М. |
3 |
Cesare Tamburini, Milano |
1 |
Chambre syndicale des forces hydrauliques, Paris |
2 |
Chancerel International Publishers, London |
3 |
Changzhou Cunqian Printing House, Changzhou |
6 |
Chapman & Hall, |
144 |
Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, Columbus |
2 |
Charles Griffin and Company, London |
6 |
Charpentier, Paris |
1 |
Chemical Engineering and Process Technology Division, Harwell |
1 |
Chemical Publishing Company, Brooklyn |
9 |
Chemical rubber, Cleveland |
3 |
Chemin de Montauban, Lyon |
1 |
Chez Briasson, Paris |
1 |
Chimie et Industrie, Paris |
1 |
China Sports Editoral Board, Beijing |
1 |
Clarendon Press, Oxford |
18 |
Clé international, Paris |
3 |
Cleaver -Hume Press, London |
2 |
1 |
Clues, Ann Arbor |
1 |
Cobbett Press, London |
1 |
Coda, |
1 |
Columbia University Press, New York |
1 |
Combustion Engineering-Superheater,INC, New York |
1 |
Compidea, Вильнюс |
1 |
Connect, М. |
1 |
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Roma |
3 |
Constable & Company, London |
8 |
Construction Industry Research and Information Association, London |
1 |
Continuum, London |
1 |
COPEK-полиграфия, Москва |
1 |
Cornell University Press, New York |
2 |
37 |
Corvus, СПб. |
1 |
Courcier, Paris |
3 |
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, New York |
1 |
Coyne Electrical School, Chicago |
2 |
2 |
CRC Press, Boca Raton |
7 |
Creatrade, СПб. |
1 |
Crosby Lockwood & Son, London |
6 |
Cyambre syndicale des forces hydrauliques, Paris |
Czech Technical University Publishing House, Prague |
1 |
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc, New York |
40 |
D.Appleton-Century company, New York |
1 |
D.C. Heath and CO. Publishers, Boston |
2 |
DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna |
1 |
DeAgostini, М. |
1 |
Dehn+Sohne, Germany |
1 |
Deighton, Bell and Co., Cambridge |
2 |
Delibri, М. |
2 |
Delmar Publishers Inc., New York |
1 |
Département des Études de Piles, Paris |
1 |
Department of Mathematics, Indiana University, |
2 |
Department of Northern Affairs and National Research. Water resources Branch, Ottawa |
1 |
Desbarax, Louvain |
1 |
Deuticke Franz, Leipzig |
3 |
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart |
10 |
Deutschen Arbeitsfront, Berlin |
1 |
Deutscher Funk-Verlag G M B H, Berlin |
1 |
Deutscher Militärverlag, Berlin |
5 |
Diesel Publications, New York |
2 |
Dietz Verlag, Berlin |
7 |
Division of Industrial Research, Washington |
2 |